Blepharitis, Demodex & Blephex
Blepharitis is a very common condition affecting the eyelid edges.
It typically results in dry, gritty uncomfortable eyes which can also look red-rimmed. There are a number of reasons why you can develop the condition.
- Microscopic mites called demodex
- An excess of bacteria called staphylococcus on the eyelid skin
- Other atopic conditions like dermatitis
Typically once we have diagnosed you with blepharitis we will see you on a 6 monthly basis to deep clean the eyelids and clear out the meibomian glands, if required. We also target demodex blepharitis with a very effective Tea Tree Oil formulation to kill the mites on the eyelids.
Ongoing appointments can be covered as part of our VitalEyes Direct debit plan.